
Top 5 Activities On A Luxury Train Tour Of Africa

Top 5 Activities On A Luxury Train Tour Of Africa

Africa is the last unspoilt continent that has much to offer the global traveller, both in terms of amazing views and great activities. By far the most popular way to see and experience the wonders of Africa is to book a cabin on one of the luxury Rovos Rail journeys, and with that in mind, here are some of the cool things that you can experience on a luxury train journey across Africa.

Travel From The Atlantic Ocean To The Indian Ocean

The Trail of Two Oceans is a 14-night epic adventure that encompasses everything Africa has to offer the tourist. The tour includes Angola, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania, with an epic route that takes you across the African continent. There are several train holidays in South Africa that cover most of the continent and being able to go from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean is an amazing experience.

Experience Victoria Falls

This world-famous attraction sits at the end of the Zambezi River and the roar of the falls can be heard 30km away. There are many great viewpoints on both sides – whether in Zambia or Zimbabwe – so you can capture amazing images and video of this iconic feature.

Visit The Largest Copper Mine In The World

Shortly after entering the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), you arrive at the town of Kolwezi and head to what is the largest copper mine on the planet. Cobalt is also mined here and the Musonoi Mine is the best one to visit to get an idea of the huge mining operation that has been going on for many years. Indeed, your smartphone probably contains small traces of cobalt that come from this mine.

Visit South Luangwa National Park

Located in the eastern part of Zambia, this amazing National Park sits on the banks of the Luangwa River, where there is a large population of hippos and crocodiles. Some people think hippos are cute, yet they kill more people than any other animal. Hippos are very territorial and will attack vessels that enter their stretch of river. Of course, you are accompanied by an experienced guide who knows the many animal species and would never put their clients in harm’s way. Hippos are huge and at first glance, you might think they are slow movers, yet they can cover the distance in a very short time. Some of the best locations to observe wildlife are the many water holes, as all the animals need water on a daily basis.

Experience Chisimba Falls

Located in the northern part of Zambia, Chisimba Falls must be seen to be appreciated; a short 40-km drive from Kasama, the falls encompass 3 separate falls within a 300m stretch. The upper section of the falls is called Mutumuna Falls, the middle section is known as Kayela Rapids, while the lower section is the main Chisimba Falls. Another feature is the Chisimba Hydro-Electric Plant, which has been producing electricity since 1959, while the plant has been upgraded several times to produce more power.

If you would like to learn more about the luxury train tours in Africa, start with an online search to find a luxury train tour operator, then browse the tours on offer and when you find the right tour for you, make an advance booking.